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A very easy kite to get very young children of the ground with kite flying. It has a great long jellyfish tail. Australian made. Great Family fun!!
Made in Australia
Recommended for ages 3 - 12 years
The Rainbow Delta kite is a great kite for young children to start with. The long tail provides the ..
The Pirate Delta kite is a great kite for young children to start with. The long tail provides the s..
Dual control kite for some tricks and serious flying. Get outside and do some kite flying - what a ..
What a beautiful Rainbow Butterfly kite to chase around the park with - vivid colours and long tails..
The Shark Kite is sure to give them a fright at the beach. The Shark Kite is a single string kite t..
It looks like it should be flying around a rainforest. Let your bird fly in medium to fresh winds. ..
A vividly coloured magic unicorn diamond kite to chase around the park with - vivid colours and long..
Get outside and do some kite flying - what a glorious way to spend a weekend afternoon. A great k..
Diamond kits are super simple to fly. Just hold them to the wind and up they will go. Kids love to w..